It was our fourth day in Denmark. Everyone was really excited to go to the Bongarden, a farm-to-table expereince. However, it was not what we expected.
First we were given a presentation by the most successful man, I think I have ever met in my life. He had not 1, not 2, but 7 companies. He was on TV shows, and had a house so big he had to de-size! However, he had some very nice messages for us. He encouraged us to eat more vegetables (potentially even an 80% vegetables to 20% meat ratio), told us "less was more", and to spend more time in nature.
However, he also had some pretty bizarre messages for us. He suggested that we should not wash our hands because there were some valulable bacteria on our hand and that we should not wash it away.
After the presentation, we took a tour of the mini community and were enamored by the beauty. There were very nice climbable trees, big healthy chickens, and overall beautiful scenery.

Shortly after we ate lunch, and then were on our way back to the Donhostel. Here we were told that we were going on a boat tour of Copenhagen.
It was really beautiful.

Also it was very relaxing. At one point there were many people just getting a little nap in, enjoying the beauty of the river.
After the boat ride it was time for dinner. Today Mr. Seventko, chose dinner and he chose fine dining. This was many first time at fine dining and it was really fun. It took over 2 hours but overall was a really fun expereince.

Overall it was another really fun day.