Day 5 was probably the one day with the least walking we've ever done, because we traveled from Copenhagen to Aarhus via bus and ferry! After a quick breakfast at Danhostel, we walked to a bus stop near the central train station and bought lunch at the station. Many opted for Joe and the Juice, and I found out that McDonalds is very expensive in Denmark.

The bus ride took over an hour in total and passed by some beautiful farms filled with bright yellow flowers and cute red-brick houses, although I wouldn't really know because I slept the entire way to the ferry terminal.
The ferry itself was... huge, to say the least. It looked more like an airport terminal to me, and many of us stopped by one of the multiple cafés in the center of the ferry to get croissants or elderflower juice!

Once we arrived in Aarhus, we got off of the bus at a stop by Copenhagen Design in Aarhus, which had beautiful gardens and a small concert stage out front.

A comparatively short walk across many, many cobblestoned pavements brought us to our hostel in Aarhus: Book One design hotel! Natives can often be seen enjoying the sun and some drinks with friends on the enormous grassy field out front of the hotel, and we were told that it is one of the popular park hangout spots in the city.

The hostel's interior was very spacious and trendy, featuring a lot of LED lights and a modern neon color scheme. Though some of us were tempted to try out the hostel's mini golf holes right away, everyone got lunch first on a lively street just behind the hostel.

After unpacking and settling into our rooms (which some noted looked like prison bunks, albeit very very clean), we hit the streets of Aarhus once again and headed for our dinner spot in Aarhus Domsogn!
For dinner, we ate at Mackie's Pizza & Cantina, a lovely establishment with walls decorated with a lot of American(?) and Buddhist imagery, and even some very valuable, signed sports jerseys.

After returning to Book One, everyone sat in a circle and recapped our favorite parts of our travels so far! Before retiring to our rooms for the night, someone (our hero) brought up the idea of ice cream again.

And so, we got gelato at Ispirazione. And also met some very nice university students from Iceland, which was a very nice preview for our upcoming day at our sister school!