We set off from Greenstar in the early hours in order to catch our 10:15 flight to Helsinki. The flight was only an hour long, and then we had to take an hour bus ride to our hotel. The beautiful architecture and bustling city contrasted the suburban neighborhood we’d been staying at for the last few days. Our hotel, which is the Helsinki Hilton Hotel, is located right at the waterfront! We were given a little time to walk around and grab some lunch, and then we were on our way to explore the city and Market Square. There were remarkably beautiful structures, such as the Helsinki Cathedral. We took a ferry from the Market Square to Suomenlinna, which is a Swedish maritime fortress off the shore of Finland, and toured the island and all its architectural structures. When we returned back to the mainland and then went to eat dinner at a burger place called Naughty BRGR, which is an extremely popular local burger joint due to the wide range of hot sauces and burger options available. We reunited with the Massachusetts kids one last time before they left on their flight, and then went back to the hotel to prepare for our final day in Finland